What if...?

2023. 03. 03

About “OK TAECYEON 2023 CALENDAR <What if...?>”

pre-order from overseas

“OK TAECYEON 2023 CALENDAR <What if…?>”pre-order starts from March 3rd (Fri), 2023 18:00 (JST).

The calendar can be pre-ordered on the official shop Koritame.com & TOWER RECORDS ONLINE.

Date March 3rd (Fri), 2023 18:00 (JST) ~

*The pre-order is limited in quantity, so the sale will end as soon as the scheduled quantity is reached.

■How to ship internationally

OK TAECYEON 2023 CALENDAR can be purchased overseas and shipped overseas.
Official shop Koretame.com & TOWER RECORDS ONLINE doesn't have services for shipping overseas.
However, international shipping is possible by using the services of the following three international shipping. If you wish international shipping service, please check the following three international shipping services and please select one and purchase it.

1. WorldShopping

WorldShopping is a proxy purchase service for domestic EC sites in Japan operated by Zigzag Co., Ltd. After requesting a purchase from WorldShopping, please proceed with the purchase process from WorldShopping.
Membership registration for WorldShopping is not required. For more information, please refer to the following website.

How to Buy

Please click on the Request A Purchase

①Enter OK TAECYEON 2023 CALENDAR <What if…?> in Product Name1
②Enter https://koretame.com/SHOP/69798.html or https://tower.jp/item/5667243 in Product URL
※You can choose the shop.
③Enter the purchase quantity in quantity.
④Please enter the product price in Amount, and click <Next>.

Please enter your shipping information before applying.


BUYEE is a proxy purchase service of domestic EC sites in Japan operated by Tenso Co., Ltd.
You need to register as a member of BUYEE.
Please go to the BUYEE shopping site for the purchase procedure.
For more information, please refer to the following website.

How to Buy

Click Purchase Request for other sites.

①Enter https://koretame.com/SHOP/69798.html or https://tower.jp/item/5667243 in the product Item URL
※You can choose the shop.
②Enter OK TAECYEON 2023 CALENDAR <What if…?> in the Item name
③Please enter the purchase quantity in the Quantity and click on the Go to Item Confirmation Request.

3. tenso.com

tenso.com is an overseas shipping service operated by Tenso Co., Ltd.
Membership registration at tenso.com is required for use.
Please proceed with the purchase at the official shop Koritame.com. However, language display is limited to Japanese.
For more information, please refer to the following website.

How to Buy

Please click on Sign up on the tenso.com website and complete sign up
Please keep the customer-only shopping address given when you complete sign up

■In the case of pre-ordered on TOWER RECORDS ONLINE, please refer to the following website.
>Procedure for TOWER RECORDS ONLINE membership registration
>Adding and purchasing items - “ショッピングカート (Shopping cart)”
>Select the delivery method

■In the case of pre-ordered on the official shop Koritame.com
Go to https://koretame.com/SHOP/69798.html.
Clickカートに入れる(Keep in cart).

Click to購入手続きへ進む(proceed with the purchase process)

Buyer Information
お名前: Please enter your name in English.
お名前(かな) :Please enter your name, Furigana.
都道府県:Please enter 東京都
市区郡:Please enter足立区
町村字番地:Please enter千住曙町42-4
建物名(部屋番号): Please enter TS×××××××転コム.
(Please enter a number that starts with TS of the customer-only shopping address of tenso.com.)
電話番号:Please enter 0357393341
メールアドレス: Please enter your own email address.

Please enter and complete the purchase, and when the product arrives at the warehouse at tenso.com, proceed with the delivery process.
※C MEDIA Co., Ltd. and Ok Taecyeon Japan official fan club are not involved about using international shipping services. If you have any questions about international shipping, please contact your delivery service.